加拿大黃頁索引 C (2418)

Chinese Chung Taoist Church of Canada - (道教青松觀) 604-681-6166
Chinese Class - (快樂標准中文學校) 416-854-6598
Chinese clinic - (中國獨特療法診所) 604-278-3163
Chinese Coaches Sports Forum - (華人體育教育論壇) 647-242-4188
Chinese College of Canada - (加拿大中文學院) 416-493-9194
Chinese College of Canada - (加拿大中文學院) 416-315-7272
Chinese Community Association - (中華會館) 613-232-8403
Chinese Community of St. Theresa Church - (溫哥華聖德肋撒天主堂 Chinese Community of St. Theresa Church) 604-298-6800
Chinese Community Senior's Club - (耆英會) 613-232-8403
Chinese Community TV - (華社之星) 604-657-1686
Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association - (中華會館) 250-384-7352
Chinese Consumers Association of Vancouver - (華人消費協會 Chinese Consumers Association of Vancouver) 604-214-0929
Chinese Cultural Center - (中華文化中心 Chinese Cultural Center - Vancouver) 604-687-2186
Chinese Cultural Center - (中華文化中心 Chinese Cultural Center - Richmond) 604-278-0873
Chinese Cultural Centre - 50 E Pender St, Vancouver - (中華文化中心 - 50 E Pender St, Vancouver) 604-658-8850
Chinese Cultural Centre - 860-4400 Hazelbridge Way, Richmond - (中華文化中心 - 860-4400 Hazelbridge Way, Richmond) 604-658-8875
Chinese Cultural Centre Arts & Crafts - (文化中心工藝品商店) 403-237-7115
Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto - (大多倫多中華文化中心) 416-292-9293
Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto - (大多倫多中華文化中心) 416-292-9293
Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Vancouver - (大溫哥華中華文化中心) 604-658-8850