加拿大黃頁索引 C (2418)

卡尔加里 »14天預報
最高: 19°   最低:
Consulate General of United Kingdom - (英國領事館 Consulate General of United Kingdom) 604-683-4421
Consulate General of United States of America - (美國領事館 Consulate General of United States of America) 604-685-4311
Consulate General PROC - (中華人民共和國駐溫哥華總領事館) 604-736-5188
Consulate of Australia - (澳洲領事館 Consulate of Australia) 604-684-1177
Consulate of Austria - (奥地利領事館) 604-687-3338
Consulate of Barbados - (巴巴多斯島領事館 Consulate of Barbados) 604-872-4444
Consulate of Belgium - (比利時領事館 Consulate of Belgium) 604-684-6838
Consulate of Bolivia - (波利維亞領事館 Consulate of Bolivia) 604-922-3448
Consulate of Brazil - (巴西領事館) 604-696-5311
Consulate of Columbia - (哥倫比亞領事館 Consulate of Columbia) 604-685-6435
Consulate of Costa Rica - (哥斯大黎加領事館 Consulate of Costa Rica) 604-983-2152
Consulate of Denmark - (丹麥領事館) 604-684-5171
Consulate of El Salvador - (薩爾瓦多領事館) 604-696-0038
Consulate of Fiji - (菲濟) 613-233-9252
Consulate of Greece - (希臘領事館 Consulate of Greece) 604-681-1381
Consulate of Guinea - (幾內亞領事館 Consulate of Guinea) 604-669-3525
Consulate of Honduras - (洪都拉斯領事館 Consulate of Honduras) 604-685-7711
Consulate of Hungary - (匈牙利領事館 Consulate of Hungary) 604-730-7321
Consulate of Iceland - (冰島領事館 Consulate of Iceland) 604-691-7526
Consulate of Iceland - (冰島領事館) 604-922-0854