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聯繫人: Jack Zhong
詳細地址: 1591 Elgin Mills Road East,Richmond Hill,On L4S 1M9
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Tel:4169840756 Preplanning in Toronto多倫多預置福地墓地在萬柏墓園Mount Pleasant Cemetery,愛恩墓園Elgin Mills Cemetery,約克墓園York Cemetery,松山墓園Pine Hills,徳愛墓園Duffin Meadows,柏壽墓園 Beechwood Cemetery,翠谷墓園Meadowvale Cemetery,寶景墓園 Prospect Cemetery,福佑墓園Thornton Cemetery,多恩墓園 Toronto Necropolis Cemetery十個墓園Cemeteries,石碑Monument,殯儀Funeral(Casket)一站式服務One Stop Service for Toronto多倫多,Scarborough士嘉堡,Etobicoke伊桃碧谷,北約克North York,東約克East York, Markham萬錦,Richmond Hill列治文山,Vaughan旺市,Aurora奥羅拉,Newmarket新街市Thornhill康山,Mississauga密西沙加, Brampton賓頓

預置計劃包括墓園Cemetery,墓碑Monument,殯儀Funeral, 棺材Casket.過去180多年以來,加拿大一個非牟利機構-萬柏墓園公司,致力因應個別的文化傳統與財政預算,為他日乘風歸去之時,預備寧謐安息之地。他們專業的服務,協助加國無數家庭渡過此個非常時刻,亦為人生的告別獻上最妥善溫情的安排。萬柏墓園公司是安省其中最大的墓園機構之一,在大多倫多地區擁有共10個墓園、5個火葬場,及14個骨灰紀念館,全座落於交通方便,環境清幽的地段,由專人 管理。其中的三大墓園:士嘉堡松山墓園、北約克約克墓園,及烈治文山愛恩墓園,特設有禮堂及接待中心,為辦事家人提供所有相關喪葬禮儀式,包括吊唁、靈堂及接待親友等「整體式」一站統籌的方便。無需再奔波四處。
為尊重華人福蔭後人的傳統,我們的各個墓園均設有風水寶地,家族福地與火葬服務,迎合不同的意願。多倫多的萬柏墓園、士嘉堡的松山墓園、北約克的約克墓園 及烈治文山的愛恩墓園及闢可靈的Duffin Meadows墓園,亦是華人社區在大多倫多地區最受歡迎的五大首選墓園。概因其環境優美,管理出色之外,其地點的方便,及風水寶地的選擇,早已成為華人社區選置墓園的首選。
萬柏墓園公司致力為各族裔及不同人仕提供各種不同產品及服務,以迎合不同需要。 無論您選擇土葬、火葬或疊葬,我們可按照您的計劃及意願作出安排。產品包括外護層Vault、骨灰瓮Urn、紀念珠寶及其他特別紀念物品,如直豎式或橫置式的石碑、墓碑、碑銘等。Mount Pleasant Group of Cemeteries operates ten cemeteries in the Greater Toronto Area. Serving many cultural and personal preferences, each cemetery is an important part of the community in which it is located, offering its own special features.
While all of our cemeteries are private property, we believe that they should be places for the living and encourage passive use such as walking, jogging and family bicycling in addition to providing a place of sanctity and commemoration of loved ones.The Toronto Necropolis and Mount Pleasant Cemetery are two of the oldest and most historically significant cemeteries in Toronto. For those choosing cremation, Mount Pleasant, along with Meadowvale Cemetery in Brampton, Duffin Meadows Cemetery in Pickering and York Cemetery in North York also offer lovely Gardens of Remembrance. Both Beechwood Cemetery and Prospect Cemetery are distinguished by their beautiful community mausoleums. Thornton Cemetery in Oshawa and Duffin Meadows serve Toronto`s expanding suburbs. Pine Hills, York and Elgin Mills cemeteries offer innovative Visitation Centres, where the visitation, service, burial and reception can all be held at the same location.
Paying tribute to a life is a decision that may be based on your religious beliefs, cultural heritage, family tradition or financial considerations. In order to accommodate these preferences, we offer a full range of products and services to commemorate life, including:Ground burial, Entombment in a crypt or tomb, typically in an above-ground mausoleum;Cremation, followed by burial of the cremated remains (commonly referred to as ashes) in the ground or in an indoor or outdoor niche;We also offer a range of related products, such as urns, monuments and vaults.

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